What Am I?
Patient, Person, Human Being through the days of her life and praying she doesn’t fall down.
Who Am I?
Mother, Wife, Sister, Niece, Friend, Trying hard to please and yet save a corner of myself for me.
Where Am I?
Suburban Oasis in the hot, hot summer, crawling like an insect from air conditioned space to air conditioned space because my body no longer tolerates the heat. My favorite summer activities are just a whisper–no more.
What do I Want?
I don’t know anymore. Maybe health and bills paid on time and in full? Who cares about the bills? Health would be fine! No, I want my kids to be healthy and happy. The rest is gravy..
Grave-y. Grave-ee. Grave. Grove. Grovey.. Groovey – Grooved
Grooved like these new lines on my face. They are there for a reason.
What Am I?
A Survivor.
Who Am I?
I am the only one like me…
Where Am I?
In the right place.
Why am I here?
I haven’t the foggiest.
But as long as I can write….
I have myself.